Meet the Team & Youth Ambassadors

Sarad Pokhrel

Youth Ambassador

Country: Nepal

Interests: Climate-smart agriculture and health.

Sarad, an Organic activist, holds a Master's degree in Agriculture with a major in Plant Pathology and minors in Agroecology and Apiculture. Currently, he serves as a Fellow of One Million Leaders Asia (OMLAS) while spearheading the project "Enhancing Sustainable and Chemical-Free Agriculture in Nepal." This project involves direct engagement with 60 young individuals. Additionally, Sarad fulfils the role of a Business Development Officer at Muktinath Krishi Company Ltd, actively contributing to the improvement of Nepal's agricultural value chain. He is the visionary behind "I am With Farmer," a social media platform that effectively addresses farmers' challenges through illustrative graphics and accessible language. Sarad not only identifies himself as a devoted farmer who enjoys exploring the agricultural world but also dedicates himself to the transfer of technology and the incorporation of indigenous wisdom. His driving query remains: Can we leave behind a world that guarantees food security and safety for all? Sarad's motivation emanates from his pursuit of an affirmative answer to this question—underpinned by the urgency to conserve biodiversity and minimize food wastage.